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Text File  |  1997-07-16  |  2KB  |  79 lines

  1. object FReqDlg: TFReqDlg
  2.   Left = 219
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  4.   BorderIcons = [biSystemMenu]
  5.   BorderStyle = bsDialog
  6.   Caption = 'Make/Edit File Request'
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  13.   Font.Style = []
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  15.   Position = poScreenCenter
  16.   OnActivate = FormActivate
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  22.   object gFiles: TAdvGrid
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  45.       30
  46.       90
  47.       83)
  48.   end
  49.   object bOK: TButton
  50.     Left = 248
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  54.     Caption = 'OK'
  55.     Default = True
  56.     ModalResult = 1
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  58.   end
  59.   object bCancel: TButton
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  63.     Height = 25
  64.     Cancel = True
  65.     Caption = 'Cancel'
  66.     ModalResult = 2
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  68.   end
  69.   object bHelp: TButton
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  77.   end
  78. end